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Your search for '' has returned 1040 results

  1. Transgender accused policy

    Prosecution policy explaining how prosecutors will deal with cases in which the person accused of a crime is transgender.

    Document Published: 22 Sep 2014
  2. Code of Practice: Disclosure of evidence in criminal proceedings

    This document gives guidance to prosecutors, Police Scotland, and other investigating agencies in relation to the disclosure of evidence in criminal proceedings

    Document Published: 01 Jun 2011
  3. Lord Advocate’s guidelines: Search and seizure and retention of property

    Lord Advocate’s guidelines on search, seizure of retention of property. Guidelines are issued under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002.

    Document Published: 24 Feb 2017
  4. Refugees policy

    Prosecution policy explaining how prosecutors apply Section 31 of the Immigration & Asylum Act 1999 which provides protection for refugees/presumptive refugees.

    Document Published: 01 Dec 2015
  5. Lord Advocate’s guidelines: Vulnerable adult witnesses

    Instructions to the police on recording and reporting information about vulnerable adult witnesses.

    Document Published: 01 Mar 2007
  6. Lord Advocate's guidelines: Visual identification procedures

    Lord Advocate's guidelines to the police on using visual identification parades to identify suspects.

    Document Published: 01 Feb 2007
  7. Lord Advocate’s guidelines: Liberation by the police

    Lord Advocate's guidelines to the police regarding the approach to be taken in connection with the liberation of offenders by Police Scotland.

    Document Published: 14 Dec 2022
  8. Lord Advocate's guidelines: Coronavirus fixed penalty notice scheme

    Lord Advocate’s guidelines on the operation of the Fixed Penalty Notice Scheme under The Health Protection (Coronavirus) Regulations 2020.

    Document Published: 01 Nov 2020
  9. Lord Advocate’s guidelines: Soliciting and loitering offences

    Lord Advocate’s guidelines to chief constables on the enforcement of soliciting and loitering offences by purchasers.

    Document Published: 01 Oct 2012
  10. Lord Advocate's guidelines: Breath test devices

    Lord Advocate's guidelines for police on the operation of breath test devices and machines, and the procedure to be followed when obtaining readings.

    Document Published: 01 Nov 2014