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Your search for '' has returned 1038 results

  1. Attending court: guide for victims and witnesses

    This guide explains the process for victims involved in court proceedings. This guide replaces the Being a witness leaflet.

  2. Courtroom layout

    About Scottish courtrooms, who sits where, access, and more.

  3. Attending court: information for accused

    This guide provides general information for those charged with an offence and provides links to other sources of information for accused persons.

  4. Attending court: guide for parents and carers

    Guidance for parents and carers of a child appearing in court. Includes the support available for child witnesses.

  5. After the verdict

    Guides for victims, witnesses, accused and parents explaining what happens at the end of a court case. Includes return of property, bail and appeals.

  6. After the verdict: guide for victims and witnesses

    This guide explains what happens at the end of a court case and afterwards. It contains information relevant to victims and witnesses.

  7. After the verdict: information for accused persons

    This page contains information for accused persons on what happens at the end of a criminal trial.

  8. After the verdict: guide for parent and carers

    This guide explains what happens at the end of a court case and afterwards. It contains information relevant to parents and carers.

  9. Precognition

    Find out information about 'precognition', the interview with the Procurator Fiscal which happens before a case goes to court.

  10. Crime info

    Information about the types of crimes we prosecute in Scotland, including links to legislation and support organisations.
