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Your search for '' has returned 1039 results

  1. Decision on request for undertakings from Bayoh Inquiry

    The Solicitor General has responded to the request from the chair of the Sheku Bayoh Inquiry to provide undertakings on the use of evidence heard by the inquiry

    News Published: 28 Mar 2022
  2. COPFS shows commitment to employees with life-limiting illness

    On 24 March 2022, COPFS leaders and trade union representatives showed their commitment to supporting colleagues with life-limiting illness.

    News Published: 31 Mar 2022
  3. Coronavirus (COVID-19): information for those due to attend court

    The Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak continues to have an impact on the Scottish criminal justice system.

    News Published: 21 Apr 2022
  4. National Stalking Awareness Week - how our Victim Information and Advice service bridges the gap

    The VIA service within COPFS supports vulnerable people who, through no fault of their own, find themselves in the criminal justice process.

    News Published: 28 Apr 2022
  5. Gang member helped arrange murder of Dutch journalist

    A member of an organised crime gang who helped arrange the murder of a Dutch journalist has been jailed.

    News Published: 22 Apr 2022
  6. Giffnock man sentenced for domestic abuse

    A 66-year-old man who hid raw fish in his former partner’s home and left offensive messages in the property was today sentenced.

    News Published: 22 Apr 2022
  7. Skipper fined for illegal fishing in protected area

    A 56-year-old fishing boat skipper has been fined £3211.43 after being found guilty of illegal fishing in a marine protected area off Scotland’s northwest coast

    News Published: 28 Apr 2022
  8. Man who raped elderly woman jailed

    A man who broke into an elderly woman’s home in the middle of the night and raped her has been jailed.

    News Published: 13 May 2022
  9. COPFS launches new accessible website for service users

    Today COPFS launches a new website to help the Scottish public access its services.

    News Published: 30 May 2022
  10. Lord Advocate welcomes Drug Death Taskforce

    Lord Advocate James Wolffe QC has welcomed the formation of a Drug Death Taskforce to help tackle problem drug use as a public health priority.

    News Published: 05 Jul 2019