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Your search for '' has returned 362 results

  1. Fatal Accident Inquiry into the deaths of three babies begins

    Joint FAI into the deaths of Leo Lamont, Ellie McCormick, and Mira-belle Bosch will commence at 10:00am on 9 January at Glasgow Sheriff Court.

    News Published: 08 Jan 2024
  2. Fugitive jailed for the killing of his second cousin

    Fugitive Dean Ferguson, who tried to escape justice, has been jailed for six years and four months for the culpable homicide of his cousin Billy Joe Bates.

    News Published: 08 Jan 2024
  3. FAI court process begins for man who died in custody at HMP Grampian

    The Procurator Fiscal has lodged a First Notice to begin the court process for a Fatal Accident Inquiry into the death of 50-year-old William Kirkwood.

    News Published: 10 Jan 2024
  4. Lord Advocate's statement to the Scottish Parliament on Post Office Horizon IT prosecutions

    Statement on Horizon IT prosecutions made by Lord Advocate Dorothy Bain KC on 16 January 2024

    News Published: 16 Jan 2024
  5. Airdrie Sheriff Court and Justice of the Peace Court

    Please note that some trials scheduled to take place at Airdrie Sheriff Court and Justice of the Peace Court have been moved to other locations.

    News Published: 18 Jan 2024
  6. Court process begins for the joint FAI into the deaths of two toddlers

    The Procurator Fiscal has lodged papers to begin the court process for a joint Fatal Accident Inquiry into the deaths of Cailyn Newlands and Sonny Campbell.

    News Published: 19 Jan 2024
  7. FAI court process begins for man who died in custody at HMP Edinburgh

    The Procurator Fiscal has lodged papers to begin the court process for a Fatal Accident Inquiry into the death of 66-year-old William Lothian.

    News Published: 19 Jan 2024
  8. FAI court process begins for man who died in custody at HMP Low Moss

    The Procurator Fiscal has lodged a First Notice to begin the court process for a Fatal Accident Inquiry into the death of 77-year-old William Tucker.

    News Published: 21 Jan 2024
  9. Sophia Smith Fatal Accident Inquiry decision

    A decision has been made to hold an FAI into the death of baby Sophia Smith at the Royal Hospital for Children at the QEUH Campus, Glasgow on 11 April 2017.

    News Published: 22 Jan 2024
  10. FAI court process begins for the death of hotel director

    The Procurator Fiscal has lodged a First Notice to begin the court process for a Fatal Accident Inquiry (FAI) into the death of Gregor Deakin.

    News Published: 24 Jan 2024