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Your search for '' has returned 362 results

  1. Edinburgh office manager jailed for three years over £900,000 company fraud

    Edinburgh office manager Emma Hunt jailed for three years over £900,000 company fraud

    News Published: 24 Aug 2023
  2. Tram company fined for crossing death

    A tram company has been fined £240,000 following the tragic death of a 53-year-old pedestrian.

    News Published: 24 Aug 2023
  3. Twin brothers who attempted to conceal death of charity cyclist jailed

    Twin brothers who left a charity cyclist to die on a Highland roadside after hitting him with their truck jailed for a total of 17 years and three months.

    News Published: 25 Aug 2023
  4. Local authority fined for failings that led to injury

    South Lanarkshire Council has been fined £90,000 for health and safety failings which left a worker with severe injuries.

    News Published: 25 Aug 2023
  5. County lines gang members who manipulated drug users into 'cuckooing' their homes jailed

    Two members of a county lines drug trafficking gang, Mohammed Miah and Abdul Khan, have been jailed for a total of 11 years and three months.

    News Published: 30 Aug 2023
  6. Crime gang member jailed over South American drugs supply operation

    Crime gang member Tony Bennett jailed for three years and nine months over his involvement in a multi-million pound South American drugs-trafficking operation.

    News Published: 05 Sep 2023
  7. Rail company sentenced for fatal crash and Fatal Accident Inquiry decision

    A London based rail company has been fined £6,700,000 for health and safety failings which led to a train derailment and the tragic loss of three lives.

    News Published: 08 Sep 2023
  8. Statement on pilot safer drug consumption facility

    The Lord Advocate has responded to a request for a focused statement of prosecution policy in relation to a pilot safer drugs consumption facility in Glasgow.  

    News Published: 11 Sep 2023
  9. Domestic Abuse and Stalking charges in Scotland, 2022-23

    An Official Statistics publication for Scotland

    News Published: 12 Sep 2023
  10. Lord Advocate urges victims of domestic abuse to seek safety and justice

    Domestic Abuse and Stalking charges in Scotland, 2022-23

    News Published: 12 Sep 2023