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Your search for '' has returned 362 results

  1. Ayrshire man jailed for second time over child abuse at Salvation Army home

    Ayrshire pensioner jailed for second time over child abuse at Salvation Army home

    News Published: 21 Apr 2023
  2. Court process begins for the FAI into the death of mum in Biggar

    COPFS has lodged a First Notice to begin the court process for a Fatal Accident Inquiry into the death of Joanne Gallacher. 

    News Published: 25 Apr 2023
  3. Two men sentenced for hare coursing

    Two Aberdeenshire men have been sentenced after admitting using dogs to hunt wild hares.

    News Published: 25 Apr 2023
  4. Court process for the FAI into the deaths of two men in Oban begins

    COPFS has lodged a First Notice with the Sheriff Court to begin the court process for an FAI into the deaths of John White and Martyn Smith.

    News Published: 17 Mar 2023
  5. Joint FAI court process begins for two men who died in custody

    The Procurator Fiscal has lodged a First Notice with the Court to begin the court process for a joint FAI into the deaths of Declan Gallacher and David Berry.

    News Published: 28 Mar 2023
  6. FAI court process begins for man who died in custody

    The Procurator Fiscal has lodged a First Notice to begin the court process for a Fatal Accident Inquiry into the death of Darryl Goodwin. 

    News Published: 17 Apr 2023
  7. FAI court process begins for the death of drowned fisherman

    The Procurator Fiscal Service has lodged a First Notice to begin the court process for a Fatal Accident Inquiry into the death of Edison Lacaste.

    News Published: 26 Apr 2023
  8. Ex-police officer jailed for attempting to pervert the course of justice

    Midlothian police officer told woman to delete evidence of their relationship

    News Published: 27 Apr 2023
  9. Crown to appeal sentence on man convicted of rape

    Appeal against rape sentence on grounds that it is 'unduly lenient'

    News Published: 28 Apr 2023
  10. Student linked to Serious Organised Crime jailed for money laundering

    Stirling student linked to Serious Organised Crime jailed for money-laundering offences

    News Published: 04 May 2023