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Your search for '' has returned 362 results

  1. Cameron House Hotel: Fatal Accident Inquiry decision

    Crown Counsel have decided not to hold a Fatal Accident Inquiry into the deaths of Richard Dyson and Simon Midgley at Cameron House Hotel.

    News Published: 19 Apr 2021
  2. Lockerbie Appeal: Statement from the Lord Advocate

    The Lord Advocate has issued a statement following the court's decision in respect of the recent appeal against conviction by Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al-Megrahi.

    News Published: 15 Jan 2021
  3. Lockerbie: Statement from Lord Advocate

    The Lord Advocate, James Wolffe QC, has issued this statement following the unsealing of charges in relation to the 1988 bombing of Pan Am flight 103.

    News Published: 21 Dec 2020
  4. Tackling domestic abuse is a priority for prosecutors

    The Lord Advocate has confirmed that domestic abuse cases will continue to be prosecuted vigorously and fairly during the coronavirus pandemic.

    News Published: 01 Apr 2020
  5. Lord Advocate addresses victims' groups

    The Lord Advocate renewed his commitment to put victims’ voices at the heart of the criminal justice system at an event for European Day for Victims of Crime

    News Published: 21 Feb 2020
  6. Crown Office cash boost to clear post-mortem backlog

    COPFS confirms additional £300,000 investment to help clear overdue post-mortem reports that are impacting upon a large number of bereaved families in Scotland.

    News Published: 30 Dec 2019
  7. Renewed pledge on Lockerbie investigation

    The Solicitor General has pledged to work in close co-operation with US authorities if new evidence on the Lockerbie bombing becomes available.

    News Published: 21 Dec 2018
  8. Solicitor General launches specialist training for new Act

    Scotland’s prosecutors have begun training in preparation for new domestic abuse legislation which is due to come into force in 2019

    News Published: 26 Nov 2018
  9. Scotland’s prosecution service to recruit 140 additional staff

    COPFS have been given additional in-year budget of £3.6million to fund the recruitment up to 140 permanent staff.

    News Published: 27 Aug 2018
  10. Stronger powers to seize criminal gains

    New powers to seize criminal gains are increasingly disruptive to serious organised crime, the Lord Advocate has said.

    News Published: 02 Oct 2017