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Your search for '' has returned 459 results

  1. Diversion from prosecution review welcomed

    The Lord Advocate has welcomed a review of diversion from prosecution in Scotland - the practice is working well and developing in a positive direction.

    News Published: 21 Feb 2023
  2. Prison officer jailed for smuggling drugs to inmates

    Prison officer Heather McKenzie jailed for six years and three months after smuggling drugs to inmates at Shotts Prison

    News Published: 23 Feb 2023
  3. Pilot scheme move to safeguard children from Serious Organised Crime

    Crown Office prosecutors are examining a pilot scheme to safeguard young people from being exploited by Serious Organised Crime gangs.

    News Published: 06 Mar 2023
  4. Company director and employee sentenced for fly tipping

    The director of a ‘Man with a Van’ business and his employee have been sentenced for dumping household waste in Glasgow.

    News Published: 06 Mar 2023
  5. Aberdeen academic given life sentence for murder of ex-wife in 1978

    Scientist jailed for killing his former partner 45 years ago

    News Published: 09 Mar 2023
  6. Industrial action on 15 March

    Details about potential disruption to our services on 15 March due to industrial action and advice for those due to attend court or a COPFS office.

    News Published: 13 Mar 2023
  7. Former security guard from Glasgow jailed for terrorism charge

    Man shared video on building 3D-printed firearms

    News Published: 15 Mar 2023
  8. Man committed the rape and sexual assault of children over the internet

    Former firefighter jailed for 12 years for sexual abuse of children in the Philippines

    News Published: 24 Mar 2023
  9. Highland gangland boss jailed for drugs offences

    Highland gangland boss Ryan Ferguson jailed for five years and eight months for drug offences

    News Published: 30 Mar 2023
  10. Rapist carried out sustained campaign of violent and sexual offending

    Moray rapist sentenced to 15 years imprisonment

    News Published: 04 Apr 2023