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  1. Victims' Right to Review

    This guide explains how the victim of a crime can ask COPFS to review a decision not to take action or to stop prosecuting a case after it has started in court.

  2. Victim Notification Scheme

    A service providing victims of crime with information about offenders detained in prison. Users may also make representations to the Parole Board.

  3. Claim expenses for attending court

    How to claim back money you spent, or wages you lost, whilst attending court as a witness.

  4. Guide for bereaved family members

    Answers to common questions about the investigation of a family member's death.

  5. Bereaved families - coronavirus update

    Information for bereaved families on the impact of coronavirus on the reporting of and investigation of deaths.

  6. Guide to Fatal Accident Inquiries

    Answers to common questions about fatal accident inquiries (FAI).

  7. Scotland's criminal justice system

    This guide explains how crimes are dealt with by the police and COPFS. Plus, find out what happens at court and after a criminal verdict.

  8. Attending court: guide for victims and witnesses

    This guide explains the process for victims involved in court proceedings. This guide replaces the Being a witness leaflet.

  9. Attending court: information for accused

    This guide provides general information for those charged with an offence and provides links to other sources of information for accused persons.

  10. Attending court: guide for parents and carers

    Guidance for parents and carers of a child appearing in court. Includes the support available for child witnesses.
