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  1. COPFS revises Sensitive Personal Records Policy

    COPFS has revised its internal policy on the recovery of sensitive personal records of rape victims for use as evidence.

    News Published: 09 Jun 2020
  2. Revised guidance on reporting of deaths during coronavirus outbreak

    In May 2020 the Lord Advocate provided an update to the Scottish Parliament on arrangements for the reporting of deaths during the Covid-19/coronavirus outbreak

    News Published: 15 May 2020
  3. Update from the Lord Advocate on death investigations and coronavirus

    As Lord Advocate I remain constitutionally responsible for the investigation of sudden, unexpected and unexplained deaths in Scotland throughout the pandemic.

    News Published: 24 Apr 2020
  4. Statement from the Lord Advocate on oversight of temporary police powers

    The Lord Advocate has welcomed the formation of an independent group to provide additional oversight of use of temporary police powers during the pandemic

    News Published: 17 Apr 2020
  5. Threat to police and front-line workers will not be tolerated

    Lord Advocate reiterates commitment to deal robustly with any reported person who deliberately coughs or spits at any front-line workers during the pandemic.

    News Published: 03 Apr 2020
  6. Joint statement from Lord Advocate and Chief Constable

    Lord Advocate and Chief Constable have set priorities for the investigation and prosecution of crime as measures to tackle Covid-19 outbreak come in to force.

    News Published: 19 Mar 2020
  7. Improving the criminal justice experience for sexual crime victims

    A memorandum of understanding has been signed between COPFS and Rape Crisis Scotland to help improve the criminal justice system for sexual crime victims.

    News Published: 20 Dec 2017
  8. Briefing note on investigation of deaths and FAI

    COPFS is committed to the prompt investigation of deaths, but accepts that in some cases the time taken to complete a thorough investigation has been too long.

    News Published: 24 Dec 2018
  9. The Glasgow bin lorry crash - The decision not to prosecute the driver

    Crown Counsel decided that the driver of the Glasgow City Council bin lorry which collided with and killed six people in Glasgow, should not be prosecuted.

    News Published: 28 Aug 2015
  10. Investigations by the Police Investigations and Review Commissioner Under the Direction of the Crown

    COPFS is the sole prosecuting authority in Scotland and, on behalf of the Lord Advocate, decides in every case whether there is sufficient evidence to prosecute

    News Published: 11 Jun 2015