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Your search for '' has returned 387 results

  1. Jail for abuser brought back from Vietnam

    A former teacher and football coach who was surrendered from Vietnam to stand trial for the sexual abuse of young boys has been jailed for five years. 

    News Published: 21 Jun 2023
  2. Construction manager fined for damaging badger sett

    A 53-year-old Edinburgh site manager has been fined £3,600 after bulldozing a badger sett.

    News Published: 22 Jun 2023
  3. FAI court process begins for man who died in custody

    COPFS has lodged a First Notice to begin the court process for a Fatal Accident Inquiry into the death of 69-year-old Robert Chalmers.

    News Published: 22 Jun 2023
  4. Drug smugglers with links to serious crime are imprisoned

    Cross-border drug smugglers linked to serious organised crime are imprisoned

    News Published: 23 Jun 2023
  5. Two men jailed over serious organised crime plot to kill gangland rival

    Two men jailed over serious organised crime plot to kill gangland rival

    News Published: 25 Jun 2023
  6. Court process begins for the FAI into the death of Stirling man

    COPFS has lodged a First Notice to begin the court process for a discretionary Fatal Accident Inquiry into the death of 59-year-old Graham Anderson. 

    News Published: 30 Jun 2023
  7. Fatal Accident Inquiry Determination published following joiner’s death

    The Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS) notes the conclusion of the Fatal Accident Inquiry into the death of John Norman Murray on Lewis.

    News Published: 30 Jun 2023
  8. Haulage company fined after driver fatally electrocuted

    An East Lothian based haulage company has been fined £150,000 after a 25-year-old LGV driver was fatally electrocuted.

    News Published: 04 Jul 2023
  9. Court process begins for the FAI into the death of care home resident

    The Procurator Fiscal has lodged a First Notice to begin the court process for a Fatal Accident Inquiry into the death of Robert McPaul. 

    News Published: 04 Jul 2023
  10. New guidance published to protect children and vulnerable individuals from serious organised crime groups

    New guidance has been put in place to help identify victims at risk of exploitation by serious organised crime groups.

    News Published: 07 Jul 2023