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Your search for '' has returned 484 results

  1. Lawyer who stole £120,000 from client with dementia is jailed

    Former lawyer John Sinclair, who embezzled £120,000 from a pensioner suffering from dementia and living in a nursing home, has been jailed for two years. 

    News Published: 18 Jul 2023
  2. Oil company fined for failing that led to fatal fall

    BP Exploration Operating Company Limited has been fined £650,000 for health and safety failings which led to the tragic death of a contractor.

    News Published: 19 Jul 2023
  3. Fife man jailed for a minimum of 27 years for the murder of his partner

    Murder was culmination of years of violent and abusive behaviour towards women

    News Published: 20 Jul 2023
  4. FAI court process begins for the death of a construction worker

    The Procurator Fiscal has lodged a First Notice to begin the court process for a Fatal Accident Inquiry into the death of Derek McLean. 

    News Published: 23 Jul 2023
  5. Court process begins for the FAI into the death of an Angus woman

    The Procurator Fiscal has lodged a First Notice to begin the court process for a Fatal Accident Inquiry into the death of Jacqui Hunter. 

    News Published: 25 Jul 2023
  6. Court process begins for the FAI into the death of a hotel guest

    The Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS) has lodged a First Notice to begin the court process for a Fatal Accident Inquiry into the death of Wallace Hunter.

    News Published: 02 Aug 2023
  7. Former GP surgery manager ordered to repay £41,157 in proceeds from crime

    Former GP surgery manager Jacqueline Rodger whose crimes forced practice to close ordered to repay £41,157 in proceeds from crime.

    News Published: 03 Aug 2023
  8. Elgin's Procurator Fiscal office to undergo eco-friendly refit

    Elgin's Procurator Fiscal office is to be temporarily relocated while it undergoes an eco-friendly decarbonisation refit.

    News Published: 07 Aug 2023
  9. Man who delivered ‘wages’ to gangland figures jailed for four years and eight months.

    Career criminal Gerard McTaggart, who acted as a wages paymaster to elite gangland figures and their families, has been jailed for four years and eight months.

    News Published: 07 Aug 2023
  10. Fugitive gangland leader jailed for directing serious organised crime

    Fugitive gangland leader James White, who was extradited from Brazil, has been jailed for nine years and ten months for directing serious organised crime.

    News Published: 11 Aug 2023