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Your search for '' has returned 484 results

  1. Crown to appeal sentence on man convicted of rape

    Appeal against rape sentence on grounds that it is 'unduly lenient'

    News Published: 28 Apr 2023
  2. Student linked to Serious Organised Crime jailed for money laundering

    Stirling student linked to Serious Organised Crime jailed for money-laundering offences

    News Published: 04 May 2023
  3. Salmon farming company fined £800,000 for failings that led to man’s death

    A salmon farming company has been fined £800,000 after an employee was crushed and drowned when he fell into the water during a boat transfer.

    News Published: 09 May 2023
  4. Care home sentenced for failing that led to resident’s death

    A care home has been fined £20,000 for health and safety failings which led to the death of a vulnerable 90-year-old man.

    News Published: 10 May 2023
  5. Company sentenced for failing that led to death fall

    A Sheffield based construction and telecommunication company has been fined £550,000 after an employee fell from a stepladder and was impaled on metal piping. 

    News Published: 16 May 2023
  6. Man sentenced for poisoning wild birds

    A 67-year-old waterfowl enthusiast has been sentenced for killing multiple birds of prey and other birds. 

    News Published: 19 May 2023
  7. Man pleads guilty to murder of his 84-year-old grandmother

    Minimum of 15 years in jail for murder of Moray grandmother

    News Published: 19 May 2023
  8. Three top schools to battle it out in final of COPFS public speaking competition

    COPFS schools public speaking competition

    News Published: 22 May 2023
  9. Man jailed for life for rape and murder of mother-of-two in Aberdeen

    Rhys Bennett jailed for life for rape and murder of mother-of-two in Aberdeen

    News Published: 24 May 2023
  10. Man sentenced for animal neglect offences

    A 30-year-old Manchester businessman has been sentenced after admitting causing unnecessary suffering to dozens of cats and dogs at a Perthshire farm.

    News Published: 25 May 2023