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Your search for '' has returned 916 results

  1. Part-time dog walker jailed for cruelty after four puppies euthanised

    Dog walker Shaun McCourt jailed for five months after a dog and its six puppies - four of which had to be put down - were left in squalor inside his flat.

    News Published: 02 Jul 2024
  2. Man jailed for two decades of violent and sexual abuse

    A man who carried out a campaign of violent and sexual offending lasting more than two decades has been jailed.

    News Published: 03 Jul 2024
  3. Determination published following death of fish farm employee

    The Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS) notes the conclusion of the Fatal Accident Inquiry into the death of Clive Hendry.

    News Published: 05 Jul 2024
  4. Lord Advocate’s guidelines: Legal Professional Privilege

    Guidelines to the police on material that may be subject to Legal Professional Privilege (LPP).

    Document Published: 01 Dec 2019
  5. Lord Advocate’s guidelines: Driver improvement scheme

    Lord Advocate’s instructions to chief constables on policing the driver improvement scheme.

    Document Published: 01 Apr 2007
  6. Lord Advocate’s instructions: Non-prosecution of victims of human trafficking

    Lord Advocate’s instructions for prosecutors when considering prosecution of victims of human trafficking and exploitation.

    Document Published: 24 May 2016
  7. Memorandum of understanding on tackling foreign bribery

    An agreement between COPFS the CPS, Financial Conduct Authority, HMRC, MoD, Police, NCA and Serious Fraud Office on tackling foreign bribery.

    Document Published: 08 May 2017
  8. Prosecution Code

    The Prosecution Code sets out the criteria for decision making, the range of options available to COPFS prosecutors, and the values which underpin decisions.

    Document Published: 01 May 2001
  9. Sensitive personal records policy

    Policy explaining the rules governing the recovery and use of sensitive personal records during the investigation and prosecution of serious offences.

    Document Published: 12 Oct 2020
  10. Lord Advocate's guidelines: Citation of witnesses

    Lord Advocate's guidelines to police on procedures to be followed in the citation of witnesses for attendance at court.

    Document Published: 03 Sep 2012