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Your search for '' has returned 675 results

  1. Reports to COPFS: A guide for specialist reporting agencies

    Read the guide for specialist reporting agencies who report cases to COPFS.

    Document Published: 01 Apr 2006
  2. Annual Report 2022-2023

    COPFS Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2023

    Document Published: 31 Oct 2023
  3. Competition and Markets Authority MOU

    MOU between Competition & Markets Authority and COPFS in relation to the investigation/prosecution of the cartel offence established by the Enterprise Act 2002.

    Document Published: 01 Jul 2014
  4. Scottish Environment Protection Agency - joint working protocol summary

    Read the summary of SEPA and COPFS protocol for submission, processing and monitoring of prosecution reports.

    Document Published: 21 Jun 2006
  5. The Family Liaison Charter

    Read the charter for bereaved families which sets standards for the communication that COPFS will have with them.

    Document Published: 01 Sep 2016
  6. Contracts register

    View the COPFS procurement contracts register

    Document Published: 19 Jan 2021
  7. Retained organs statistics - June 2019

    Statement on the number of cases in which organs have been retained by COPFS as of 30 June 2019

    Document Published: 30 Jun 2019
  8. Retained organs statistics - June 2020

    Statement on the number of cases in which organs have been retained by COPFS as of 30 June 2020

    Document Published: 30 Jun 2020
  9. Retained organs statistics - June 2021

    Statement on the number of cases in which organs have been retained by COPFS as of 30 June 2021

    Document Published: 30 Jun 2021
  10. Retained organs statistics - June 2022

    Statement on the number of cases in which organs have been retained by COPFS as of 30 June 2022.

    Document Published: 04 Jul 2022