Search results

Your search for 'hate crime in scotland' has returned 174 results

  1. Two jailed for Aberdeen murder after drink and drugs binge

    Two men jailed for murder of young man at Aberdeen party

    News Published: 15 Dec 2022
  2. Former school workers given total of 28 years in jail for long campaign of abuse

    Two employees of Kerelaw Residential School in Ayrshire convicted of abuse charges for second time

    News Published: 13 Jan 2023
  3. Three lawyers jailed for money laundering

    Three lawyers jailed for £1.48 million money laundering operation

    News Published: 18 Jan 2023
  4. Pupils from St Peter the Apostle in Clydebank win prestigious COPFS Public Speaking Competition

    Clydebank secondary pupils win prestigious COPFS Public Speaking Competition

    News Published: 08 Jun 2023
  5. Twin brothers who attempted to conceal death of charity cyclist jailed

    Twin brothers who left a charity cyclist to die on a Highland roadside after hitting him with their truck jailed for a total of 17 years and three months.

    News Published: 25 Aug 2023
  6. Dalziel High School in Motherwell win COPFS schools public speaking competition

    Dalziel High School in Motherwell are the the winners of this year’s Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS) schools public speaking competition.

    News Published: 06 Jun 2024
  7. Consultation on Equality Outcomes for 2021 to 2025

    An invitation to have your say about the COPFS Equality Outcomes for 2021 to 2025

    Document Published: 26 Mar 2021
  8. The Family Liaison Charter

    Read the charter for bereaved families which sets standards for the communication that COPFS will have with them.

    Document Published: 01 Sep 2016
  9. Retained organs statistics - June 2019

    Statement on the number of cases in which organs have been retained by COPFS as of 30 June 2019

    Document Published: 30 Jun 2019
  10. Retained organs statistics - June 2020

    Statement on the number of cases in which organs have been retained by COPFS as of 30 June 2020

    Document Published: 30 Jun 2020