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  1. After the verdict: guide for victims and witnesses

    This guide explains what happens at the end of a court case and afterwards. It contains information relevant to victims and witnesses.

  2. After the verdict: information for accused persons

    This page contains information for accused persons on what happens at the end of a criminal trial.

  3. After the verdict: guide for parent and carers

    This guide explains what happens at the end of a court case and afterwards. It contains information relevant to parents and carers.

  4. Terrorism

    Information for the public and legal professionals on terrorism offences in Scotland, including COPFS policies and how we are implementing recommendations. 

  5. Terrorism prosecutions in Scotland

    This page gives information about terrorism prosecutions that have taken place in Scotland in recent years.

  6. Bribery and corruption- guidance and policies

    Information on bribery and corruption offences in Scotland, including COPFS policies and how we are implementing recommendations. 

  7. Bribery prosecutions in Scotland

    COPFS is committed to publishing details of bribery prosecutions. This page gives information about recent bribery prosecutions in Scotland.

  8. Civil Settlements for bribery offences

    COPFS and CRU are committed to publishing details of civil settlements reached for bribery offences. This page gives information about agreed civil settlements.

  9. Sexual Offences Review

    Information about the review of how prosecutors in Scotland deal with reports of sexual offences.

  10. Our role in investigating deaths

    Death investigations are conducted by COPFS on behalf of the Lord Advocate. COPFS investigates all sudden, suspicious, accidental and unexplained deaths.
