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Your search for '' has returned 1111 results

  1. Minutes of the Audit and Risk Committee – May 2024

    Minutes of the Audit and Risk Committee 8 May 2024

    Document Published: 22 Aug 2024
  2. COVID-19 death investigation statistics: August 2024

    Reports of COVID-19 deaths received by the COVID Deaths Investigation Team in August 2024.

    Document Published: 02 Sep 2024
  3. Domestic abuse and stalking charges in Scotland 2023 – 2024

    This document details the charges reported to COPFS in the year April 2023 to March 2024, which had a domestic abuse identifier.

    Document Published: 10 Sep 2024
  4. Domestic abuse and stalking charges in Scotland 2023 – 2024, data tables

    Excel spreadsheet containing tables on domestic abuse crimes reported to COPFS in 2023-2024 and earlier years.

    Document Published: 12 Sep 2023
  5. Minutes of the Resources Committee – 15 August 2024

    Minutes of the Resources Committee 15 August 2024

    Document Published: 16 Sep 2024
  6. Annual Report 2023-24

    COPFS Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2024

    Document Published: 18 Sep 2024
  7. Accessible information policy

    This policy describes how we ensure our information, documents and publications are accessible to all people in Scotland.

    Document Published: 19 Sep 2024
  8. Processing of special categories of personal data and criminal convictions - Appropriate policy document

    This policy sets out our procedures for ensuring compliance with data protection relating to the processing of special categories and criminal convictions.

    Document Published: 20 Sep 2024
  9. Sensitive processing for law enforcement purposes - Appropriate policy document

    This policy sets out our procedures for ensuring compliance with data protection relating to the processing of special categories and criminal convictions.

    Document Published: 20 Sep 2024
  10. Minutes of the Business Improvement Committee – May 2024

    Minutes of the Business Improvement Committee – 29 May 2024

    Document Published: 25 Sep 2024