Resources for schools

The Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Services (COPFS) helps educate children and young people about the justice system. We lead engagement projects and partner with other organisations to do this.

School public speaking competition

Each year, COPFS hosts a public speaking competition for Scottish secondary pupils to debate topical issues.

The competition gives pupils in S2 and S3 the opportunity to develop their skills and gain confidence in public speaking. Competing with other schools helps them interact with their peers and engage with equality and diversity issues. They also learn more about law in Scotland and the role of COPFS in the justice system.

The competition includes four stages:

  • local heats
  • local finals
  • national semi-finals
  • national final, where three teams compete

At each stage, a panel of judges scores teams on their content, delivery, teamwork and their questions. Judges include COPFS employees and other criminal justice partners.

Take part in the competition

All Scottish schools are welcome to take part.

To take part, schools should email the COPFS equality and inclusion team. Each team must include two pupils from the S2 or S3 year group. Schools can enter as many teams as they would like.

I am me programme

The ‘I am me’ programme raises awareness of Disability Hate Crime. This type of crime is one of the most under reported crimes in the UK. We worked with the 'I am me' community project and Police Scotland to create the programme. Find training packs for primary and secondary schools on the I am me website.

Keep safe ambassadors programme

The 'Keep safe ambassadors' programme trains young people aged 14 to 18 to help them recognise bullying and harassment and report incidents safely. We worked with ‘I am me’ and Police Scotland to create the programme. Find out more and register on the I am me website.

Educational videos

Just a laugh?

‘Just a laugh?’ is a short film we helped create with North Lanarkshire Council. The film explains racism, homophobia and disability hate crime. It shows the impact these crimes have on victims, their families and the perpetrators. View the video.

Them and us

‘Them and us’ is a film for secondary school pupils. It shows the consequences of sectarianism, fire raising, murder and imprisonment. View the video.

You Are Not Alone

COPFS is proud to support a new child-centred resource 'You Are Not Alone', from charity 'I Am Me Scotland' focused on grooming, gangs and crime. Aimed at young people in secure settings, a series of seven short films highlight the issues of child exploitation and human trafficking.

Please note these videos contain strong language and themes of human trafficking that you may find disturbing/

View Ryan's story (part 1)

View Ryan's story (part 2)

View Liv's story (part 1)

View Liv's story (part 2)