Minutes of the Resources Committee – 8 June 2023

First published

14 Jul 2023

Last updated

14 Jul 2023

Resources Committee



  • Anthony McGeehan, Deputy Crown Agent (Operational Support) (Chair)
  • Keith Dargie, Head of Business Services & Chief Digital Officer
  • Marlene Anderson, Director of Finance and Procurement
  • Jonathan Shebioba, Director of Support Services
  • Graham Kerr, Head of Business Management (Local Court)
  • Thomas Lindie, Head of Business Management (Serious Casework)
  • Doreen Crawford, Deputy HR Director
  • Elaine Hales, Head of Business Management (Operational Support)


Ian Palmer, Finance and Procurement Executive Assistant


Sarah Carter, HR Director

Sharon Davies, Head of Management Accounting and Planning


Welcome and apologies

The Chair welcomed the group and apologies were noted.

Minutes from meeting held 4 May 2023

The Committee approved the minutes as accurate.

Sarah Carter to be added to list of attendees

Action log tracker

Updates were given in relation to the following:

Action 7/23 - (Set up working group to ensure that any potential savings are realised
and monitor monthly attrition rate.)

Decision: Action can be closed off on tracker. Working Group has been established and
updates are to be included in the Finance Report to the Committee.

Action 8/23 - (Issue Budget Modelling to HOBMS)

Decision: Action can be closed off on tracker. MA and HOBMs meeting to discuss issues
is scheduled for 8 June 2023.

Action 9/23 - (To share SG Business Plan guidance)

Decision: Action completed and can be closed off on tracker.

Action 10/23 – (To circulate dEPM Approval Routes to HOBMs)

Decision: Action completed and can be closed off on tracker.

Action 11/23 – (To consider Workforce Plans)

Decision: Action to be closed off on tracker. Topic will appear as substantive item on RC
Meeting agenda when required.

Finance update

MA presented RC Paper 27 (2023) and gave a general overview and the Committee noted the paper.

Highlights included:

2022-2 Annual Report and Accounts

Audit Scotland have completed their interim audit.

Finance Team have submitted the draft 2023-24 Annual Report and Accounts for full review.

Outturn reflects current residual resource underspend of £1.2m with a total underspend of £0.2 m forecast after AME and IFRS 16 adjustments.

2023-24 Budget Allocation

Budget allocations have been issued to HOBMs.

HOBMs and MAP team continue to liaise in relation to scenario planning.

A number of potentially significant savings were identified as a result of a Budget Workshop held with senior managers and Finance colleagues.

A communication plan is being devised to reinforce the cultural changes that are required from all staff in the department to implement identified savings.

Review being undertaken in relation to the use and allocation of official mobile phones, printer usage and location and the delivery and collection procedures for equipment and peripherals.

General discussion in relation to the implementation of Path to Balance and Path to
Balance plans to be included in the Finance update to the July Executive Board meeting.

HR staffing report

DC presented RC Paper 28 (2023) which was noted by the Committee.

After general discussion it was agreed that the paper will be reissued to reflect more specific MI detail.


DC to review the overall report format to optimise the utility of the information it provides.

Estates update

JS presented RC Paper 29 A (2023) - Dundee PFO Relocation and general discussion followed.


The Committee agreed the recommendations set out in RC Paper 29 A (2023).

JS presented RC Paper 29 B (2023) – Estates Capital Funding


The Committee approved the proposals set out in RC Paper 29B (2023)

JS and MA to further discuss implementation arrangements off table.

Productivity Recovery Plan and Workforce Planning

KD gave a general update on workforce planning progress and discussion followed.

Further updates will appear as substantive agenda items as need arises.


No additional matters raised.

Date of next meeting: 21 August 2023 at 11am (moved from 10 August)

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