Minutes of the Resources Committee – 8 February 2024

First published

28 May 2024

Last updated

28 May 2024

Resources Committee



  • Lindsey Miller (Chair)
  • Keith Dargie
  • Marlene Anderson
  • Graham Kerr
  • Sarah Carter
  • Jonathan Shebioba
  • Thomas Lindie
  • Elaine Hales
  • Sharon Davies
  • Ian Palmer (Secretariat)


Doreen Crawford


LM welcomed the group.

Minutes of last meeting

Minutes of the meeting held on 6 December 2023 were approved on the proviso that Elaine Hales is added to the list of attendees.

Action tracker

The meeting noted RC Paper 3 (2024) and general discussion followed.


It was agreed that the following actions can be removed from the tracker as completed:

Action 15/23 (Note re Advocate Depute complement)

Action 16/23 (Framework report re resources)

Action 18/23 (Note re distribution of new format HR MI Data Report)

It was also agreed that Action 19/23 (MS Excel training opportunities) will remain on the tracker.

Finance update

MA gave an overview of RC Paper 4 (2024)

  • In relation to the 2023-24 budget, COPFS has succeeded in securing supplementary in year funding from Scottish Government to tackle inflationary pressures and the additional pay award pressure.
  • Scenario Planning, Workforce Planning analysis and trends, financial impacts and planning and trends continue to be utilised. Departmental budget holders attended a comprehensive  workshop on 10th January 2024 to scrutinise forecasts to ensure accuracy and preparedness to meet any challenges.
  • Additional capital investment had been secured for 2023-24 and beyond to support the departments move to digital transformation programmes, including development of the next generation casework systems and processes. Planning for this vital piece of work will be completed over Q4 2023-24 to enable delivery phase to commence from Q1 2024-25 (delivery is multi-year in line with Scottish Government funding allocations).
  • The exercise to transfer some staff between Local Court and HC/SCG has almost concluded. A small number of transfers remain to be finalised for mostly logistical/geographic reasons. Liaison between the functions continues to ensure the exercise is completed as close to the agreed deadlines as possible and further delays minimised.
  • General update in relation to overtime working and impact of accounting years. It is critical that all outstanding overtime and expenses forms, purchase orders, GPC, invoices, and all related expenditure claims are submitted on time within this FY. Functions should ensure housekeeping checks are completed so that all such matters have been identified and submitted to Finance for payment in good time before the year end. A departmental communication strategy is being developed to reinforce this message.
  • End of FY preparation workshops are being planned for budget holders.
  • Liaison work continues between Finance and Departmental budget holders to discuss budget requirements for FY 2024-25. Final budget allocations are scheduled to be discussed at the next Resources Committee with recommendations following on to the March Executive Board meeting.
  • Update in relation to preparation for SG Public Sector Reform programme.


Proposed Budget Allocations 2024-25

MA presented RC Paper 4a (2024)

A general discussion followed from which the following points emerged:

Communication strategy to be devised to remind staff of the need for economy and savings when using and ordering consumables.

Guidance will be re-issued on the usage of the Government Procurement Card (GPC) and the categories of purchases that should be considered.

The communication strategy will also re-enforce earlier messages that staff must exercise awareness of saving fuel and utility costs by switching off unused equipment, lights etc.

Consideration to cost and efficiency must be made before ordering maintenance services, courier deliveries, allocation of official mobile phones etc.

Discussion in relation to costs of productions storage. It was noted that kennelling costs continue to increase and recent legislative changes relating to prohibited dog breeds will also have an impact on expenditure. Liaison work with partner agencies continues.

There was a lengthy discussion including staffing and recruitment, managing staff expectations, the role of the Workforce Planning Group (WPG) and staff attrition rates. It was noted that the Audit and Risk Committee had expressed concern at the level of posts/vacancies that would transfer into 2024-25.

LM and KD to further discuss issues offline and prepare a report for Executive Board.


COPFS Financial Strategy 2023-27

MA presented RC Paper 4 b (2024) and gave an overview of its contents.

In due course, the paper is to be published on the COPFS website.

The Committee welcomed the document and appreciated its comprehensive coverage and clear depiction and analysis of technical and practical matters.

The Committee thanked MA and her team for the work done in producing the paper.


The Committee agreed that RC Paper 4 b (2024) should be presented to the next meeting of the COPFS Executive Board for approval and sign off.

2024-25 Resources/Corporate/Business Plan – approaches and actions

KD gave a verbal update.

This outlined the next steps to be taken in formulating plans for 2024-25 and beyond including workforce planning prioritisation linking in with Justice Partners ensuring strategic objectives have been met.

The Committee welcomed the positive direction of travel proposed.

Function Procurement Report

MA presented RC Paper 5 (2024) and gave a general overview.

The Committee noted the paper.

Appreciation was expressed to GK for his role as Chair of the COPFS Procurement Steering Board which he will vacate when he retires from COPFS in March.

Estates Update Report

JS presented RC Paper 6 and Appendix 6A (Ballater Street Transformation)

The Committee welcomed the report and found it very helpful and clear.


After discussion, the Committee approved that RC Paper 6 and Appendix 6A (2024) should be referred to the next meeting of the Senior Executive Team.

Corporate risk register

KD presented RC Paper 8 and 8A (2024) and was noted by the Committee

Work is ongoing in reviewing the structure and scope of the Register and progress updates will follow in due course.


No additional items of business were raised.

Next Meeting 13 March 2024 at 2pm (MS Teams)

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