Minutes of the Resources Committee – 3 July 2024

First published

22 Aug 2024

Last updated

22 Aug 2024

Resources Committee



  • Keith Dargie (Chair)
  • Marlene Anderson
  • Sarah Carter
  • Jonathan Shebioba
  • Thomas Lindie
  • David Casey (for Gavin Anderson)
  • Karen Burrell
  • Ian Palmer (Secretariat)


  • Lindsey Miller 
  • Gavin Anderson
  • Doreen Crawford


KD (Chair) welcomed the group.

Minutes of last meeting

Minutes of the meeting held on 6 June 2024 were approved with the following amendments:

Stacey Law to be added to the Members Present list.

Johnathan Shebioba to be removed from the Members Present list and added to Apologies.

Action tracker

RC Paper 25 (2024) was noted

In relation to Action 20 (2024), MA reported that the Budget Review Meetings with HOBMs  and Finance Division will reconvene in August 2024. Secretariat will issue meeting requests in due course.

Finance update

MA presented RC Paper 26 (2024) and gave a general overview. The Committee noted the paper.

Highlights included:

The COPFS Draft Annual Accounts for 2023-24 have been submitted to Audit Scotland. Results are provisional and subject to change as data is updated.  

It is anticipated that the final accounts will be presented for approval at the next meeting of the COPFS Audit and Risk Committee on 7 August 2024.

2024-25 budget allocations were approved by the COPFS Executive Board in March.

Delegation letters have been issued to budget holders and returns are being submitted.

The group discussed Path to Balance. Discussion focussed on the prioritisation and decision making linked to strategic financial planning that will determine the way forward.  

The group discussed the approach to Workforce Planning.

Careful scrutiny of expenditure continues to ensure that all efficiencies and savings are identified. General discussion in relation to areas where increased costs are anticipated e.g. kennelling costs to meet any legislative additions to breeds of banned dogs.

General update in relation to preparation for the 2025-26 budget. It is anticipated that SG commissioning and timetable will be issued at some point this month. Liaison work with budget holders continues. A programme of consultation meetings and budget planning workshops for budget holders is being devised.

Development of a COPFS corporate framework for future resource bids is being progressed.

This will incorporate a strategic budget plan to further utilise the efficiencies identified through case work reform and business transformation analysis.

KD (Chair) thanked colleagues for the collaborative and corporate approach adopted throughout the budget planning process.


There were no additional items of business.

Next meeting

15 August 2024 at 2pm (MS Teams)

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