Minutes of the Resources Committee – 15 August 2024

First published

16 Sep 2024

Last updated

16 Sep 2024

Resources Committee



  • Lindsey Miller (Chair)
  • Keith Dargie
  • Marlene Anderson
  • Gavin Anderson
  • Sarah Carter
  • Thomas Lindie
  • Jonathan Shebioba
  • Karen Burell
  • Lyndsey Jones (joined meeting for item 6)
  • Ian Palmer (Secretariat)


  • Doreen Crawford


LM (Chair) welcomed everyone

Apologies from Doreen Crawford

Minutes of last meeting

The draft minutes of the meeting on 3 July 2024 were approved as accurate.

Action tracker

All outstanding actions have been completed

Finance update

As a preamble, KD gave an update on the current position in relation to COPFS Budget Planning. A briefing update for all staff is being drafted and consideration being given as to the timing. General discussion followed.

MA presented RC Paper 29 (2024) and this was noted by the Committee

Highlights included:

  • The COPFS Draft Annual Accounts 2023-24 were approved and recommended for signing at the COPFS Audit and Risk Committee meeting on 7 August 2024. The accounts will be laid before the Scottish Parliament by the end of August 2024 as scheduled.
  • Strategic planning and prioritisation is being strictly applied to ensure a balanced budget.
  • A workforce management plan has been devised to define mechanisms for managing staff resources aligned with planning and budget allocations.
  • A strategic budget is being developed to look at staff resourcing and the harnessing of efficiencies from ongoing reform and transformation activities.
  • Potential cost savings and efficiency opportunities continue to be closely pursued.
  • Any cost impact to COPFS of potential increase in kennelling placements resulting from legislative additions to breeds of prohibited dogs is being considered
  • The COPFS budget submissions setting out a range of departmental priorities for Financial Years 2025-26 and 2026-27 have been sent to Scottish Government.
  • It is anticipated that a response will not be received until at least the end of September 2024.
  • COPFS Estates Division and Scottish Government officials continue to liaise in relation to COPFS estates capital projects. The capital return for FY 2025-26 and 2026-27 is scheduled for submission on Friday 16th August 2024.

COPFS electric vehicles charging points

MA presented RC Paper 31 (2024)

This outlined that the number of electric vehicles in the COPFS fleet now exceeds the number of available official charging points.

The paper set out recommendations as to the most efficient utilisation of the charging points for official vehicles.

The Committee approved the recommendations detailed in the paper and agreed they will come in to effect from 1 October 2024.


MA to liaise with Robert Green/Corporate Communications regarding a note to all staff in relation to the charging of official electric vehicles.

Corporate risk register

The Committee noted RC Paper 31 (2024) from KD giving an update on the Corporate Risk Register

COPFS trainee posting to The Hague

LJ joined the meeting to give an overview of RC Paper 32 (2024) and participate in discussion.

The paper described the ongoing difficulties experienced by COPFS trainee solicitors temporarily posted at Eurojust in the Hague in obtaining reasonably priced and suitable accommodation.


After discussion the Committee approved the proposals in the paper on the proviso these would be only for the short term. HR colleagues have been tasked with identifying any suitable solutions for the longer term.


LJ/SC  to continue investigating possible solutions to accommodation issues experienced by COPFS staff temporarily located in The Hague.


No new items of business were raised.

The Committee will next convene on 12 September 2024 at 2pm by MS Teams

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