Minutes of the Executive Board – 16 September 2020

First published

16 Sep 2020

Last updated

16 Sep 2020

Meeting held on 16 September 2020 MS Teams


  • David Harvie, Crown Agent
  • John Logue, Deputy Crown Agent, Operational Support
  • Lindsey Miller, Deputy Crown Agent, Serious Casework
  • Stephen McGowan, Deputy Crown Agent, Local Court
  • John Cooper, Non-executive director
  • Annie Gunnar Logan, Non-executive director
  • Fiona McLean, Non-executive director
  • Rob Tinlin, Non-executive director

In attendance:

  • Mark Howells, Director of Finance and Procurement
  • Mairi Boyle, Legal Assistant to Crown Agent (Secretariat)


  • Ian Walford, Deputy Chief Executive
  • Ann Marie Henderson, Personal Assistant to Crown Agent

Agenda Item 1 – Welcome

1. David Harvie, Crown Agent opened the meeting and welcomed all colleagues.

2. Members confirmed that there were no conflicts of interest.

Agenda Item 2 - Minutes of previous meeting, matters arising / updates

3. The minutes of 17 June 2020 were agreed and can be published.

Agenda Item 3 - – Finance Update 20-21/Budget Process

4. Director of Finance and Procurement attended for this item and introduced paper

5. The Board were provided with an update on the corporate budget, particularly the financial impact of the pandemic. DFP discussed forecasting, which includes areas of spending and funding around which there is uncertainty, and efforts to ensure this is as accurate as possible. The Crown Agent pointed out that funding estimates connected to the criminal justice system restart was an entirely separate matter from the figures outlined by DFP. Discussion of staffing matters and need for
coordinated recruitment at system level.

6. Discussion about spending review and the foundations of the bid for 2021/22.

Agenda Item 4 – Covid Risk Register

7. DCA Operational Support talked through the risk register (EB20/21(18)), how this is managed and highlighted the main risks. This led to a discussion about staff wellbeing and morale and how this has been impacted by working at home particularly the nature of some work now being done remotely from the
supportive team environment, and the barriers to cases progressing through the system. There was discussion about how managers are reaching out and staying in touch with staff and about learning from how other organisations deal with these issues. Wellbeing and morale were discussed at other points in the meeting particularly at Item 8 below.

Action: At the next meeting Board to be provided with an update on staff wellbeing and morale issues including update on results of second Pulse survey (DCA Operational Support).

Action: To revisit VT support exercise conducted in April/May and check staff needs in this regard (DCA Serious Casework).

Agenda Item 5 – Covid 19 – Recovery Planning

8. DCA Operational Support explained the purpose of paper EB20/21(19) was to give the Board a picture of the scale, complexity, timescales and options for recovery work in order to inform discussion on budget. There was a discussion around the options for recovery, communication about that and the ongoing impact of public health restrictions.

Agenda Item 6 – Balanced scorecard and absence figures

9. DCA Operational Support noted that the absence rate was down consistently since April. Discussion about possible reasons for this and further consideration of staff wellbeing and morale.

Agenda Item 7 – Resources Committee Update

10. This had been covered by discussion on earlier agenda items.

Agenda Item 8 - Operational Performance Committee Update

11. DCA Serious Casework introduced this item and highlighted the reduction in recorded crime but increase in instances of serious crime which is reflected in the highest number of cases being prepared for High Court proceedings since the High Court function was created in 2016. Detail was given by DCA Serious Casework and DCA Local Court of COPFS engagement with other criminal justice partners in efforts to restart trial business.

Action: At the next meeting Board to be provided with update on summary practice note (DCA Local Court)

Agenda Item 9 – Business Process Improvement Committee Update

12. DCA Local Court asked the Board to note the agenda for the next 18 months and that there is a clear strategy for corporate objectives for the restart, renew and transform programme and in terms of general improvement within the organisation.

Agenda Item 10 – Audit and Risk Committee Annual Report

13. It was noted that the QLTR annual report and accounts had been signed off. The COPFS annual report and accounts have been approved by the external auditors and will be signed off in due course.

Crown Agent’s Office
November 2020

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