Minutes of the Executive Board – 16 December 2020
Meeting held on 16 December 2020 on Microsoft Teams
- (Chair) David Harvie, Crown Agent
- John Logue, Deputy Crown Agent, Operational Support
- Lindsey Miller, Deputy Crown Agent, Serious Casework
- Stephen McGowan, Deputy Crown Agent, Local Court
- Ian Walford, Deputy Chief Executive
- Annie Gunner Logan, Non-executive director
- Fiona McLean, Non-executive director
- Rob Tinlin, Non-executive director
In attendance:
- Mairi Boyle, Legal Assistant to Crown Agent
- Ann Marie Henderson, Personal Assistant to Crown Agent (Secretariat)
Agenda Item 1 – Welcome
1. David Harvie, Crown Agent opened the meeting and welcomed all colleagues.
2. Members confirmed that there were no conflicts of interest.
Agenda Item 2 - Minutes of previous meeting, matters arising / updates
The minutes of 18 November 2020 were agreed and can be published. There were no outstanding actions.
Agenda Item 3 - Finance update 20-21/budget process
4. DCE introduced paper EB20/21(29).
5. The Board noted the paper and the update provided on the financial outlook for 2020/21 and the financial planning for 2021/22 and beyond.
6. The Crown Agent updated the Board on the ministerial bilateral and advised that a further bilateral was planned.
Agenda Item 4 – Corporate Risk Register
7. DCE introduced paper EB20/21(30).
8. The Board were provided with an update to the changes to the structure of the new risk register which has been developed.
9. Risk owners will be assigned to each risk and will review the key controls, actions planned and current and target scores.
10. The register will be reviewed by the Risk Management Group and the Audit and Risk Committee. The Board will review these on a quarterly basis.
11. Discussion held about particular risks and how these are to be addressed.
Agenda Item 5 – Balanced Scorecard / absence figures
12. DCA Operational Support introduced paper EB20/21(31).
13. The Board noted complaints had risen over the previous period. DCA Operational Support that this was being monitored.
14. Absence figures had decreased over the previous quarter.
Action: Results of People Survey to be circulated to the NXDs (PSCA).
Agenda Item 6 – Resources Committee Update
15. DCA Operational Support introduced paper EB20/21(32).
16. The Board were advised that there had been a significant increase in overtime during October, and noted that this will be monitored over the year. A new system of recording has been introduced, which shows more detail on when overtime is being carried out.
17. The Board noted the decision taken on the recruitment of staff in procurement.
Agenda Item 7 – Operational Performance Committee update
18. DCA Serious Casework introduced paper EB20/21(33).
19. The main focus of discussions at the OPC meeting were staff wellbeing in terms of workload and working from home and also in relation to KPIs.
20. DCA Serious Casework is to present a paper to the Board at the March Board meeting with a corporate recommendation on KPIs.
Agenda Item 8 – Business Process Improvement Committee
21. DCA Local Court introduced paper EB20/21(34).
22. The Board were provided with an update on the work being carried out on the transfer of documents to SCTS.
Agenda Item 9 – Audit & Risk Committee Update
23. Rob Tinlin, non-executive director introduced paper EB20/21(35).
24. The Board noted that the annual accounts had been signed off.
25. The Crown Agent provided an update on implications for the justice system of Brexit. Louise Gallacher is to be invited to attend a future Board meeting to present a paper on this.
Any other business
26. DCA Operational Support provided a brief update to the Board on recent IT issues.
Crown Agent’s Office
December 2020
Thank you for your feedback.