Minutes of the Executive Board – 15 May 2019
Meeting held on 15 May 2019. Conference Room, PFO, Kilmarnock
- (Chair) Lindsey Miller, Deputy Crown Agent, Serious Casework
- John Logue, Deputy Crown Agent, Operational Support
- Stephen McGowan, Deputy Crown Agent, Local Court
- Ian Walford, Deputy Chief Executive
- John Cooper, Non-executive director
- Annie Gunnar Logan, Non-executive director
- Fiona McLean, Non-executive director
- Rob Tinlin, Non-executive director
In attendance:
- Maria Kicinski, Legal Assistant to Crown Agent (minutes)
- Laura Mundell, PF for North Strathclyde
- Robert Green, Business Manager for North Strathclyde
- David Harvie, Crown Agent
Agenda Item 1 – Welcome
1. Lindsey Miller, DCA Serious Casework opened the meeting and welcomed all colleagues.
2. Apologies were noted from the Crown Agent.
3. Members confirmed that there were no conflicts of interest.
Agenda Item 2 - Minutes of previous meeting, matters arising / updates
4. The minutes of 13 March were agreed, subject to an amendment, and can be published. It was noted that feedback from Fair Futures “Leading Change” events, each attended by a member of the Senior Executive Team, suggests that staff have been receptive to the postponement of the Career Movement and Development policy to allow for further consultation with staff.
5. Action 1 – DCA Operational Support to provide further update to the Board in advance of COPFS reporting its gender pay gap figures in 2019. Update: The Board noted that the document is being finalised and that the trend is a positive one.
Action- DCA Operational Support to circulate the document to Board members and to provide gender gap details from comparator organisations.
6. Action 2 – DCA Local Court to provide progress report on staff equality / Stonewall.
Update: Action continued to the June meeting.
7. Acton 3 – DCA Operational Support to recirculate Strategic Plan to the Board. Update: Action continued to the June meeting.
8. Action 4 – DCE to arrange for corporate risk register to be updated and circulated to the Board. Update: Continued to the June meeting, where it is an agenda item.
9. Action 5 – DCA Operational Support to review the absence figure for the 2018/19 current financial year to date. Update: Action complete- the figure is included in the fortnightly update on recruitment that is circulated to Board members.
10. Action 6 – Executive Board members to be copied into the letter to the Justice Committee. Update: As at 15 May 2019 this has not yet been issued and will be circulated to the Board once issued. BU to June meeting for update
Agenda Item 3 - Agenda Item 3 – Finance Update 18/219
11. Deputy Chief Executive introduced paper EB18/19(84) and provided the Board with a high level summary of recent and planned developments in respect of the 18/19 finance position as at 02 May 2019.
12. The Board noted that 2018/19 was an unusual and challenging year but that nonetheless we remained within budget.
Budget planning
13. DCE provided a verbal update to the Board on the budget planning
14. The Board noted that there has been uncertainty in the current year, but that there is now sufficient comfort that the service can press ahead with recruitment processes and other initiatives.
Agenda Item 4 – Resources Committee Update
15. DCA Operational Support introduced paper EB18/19(86). The Resources Committee met on 25 April 2019.
16. The Board noted that further work is being carried out before the Committee will again consider the potential for medium term non-staff savings to be made from practising certificates.
17. The Board also noted the progress being made in terms of Estates Strategy delivery,
particularly in respect of the Dundee and Aberdeen offices.
Agenda Item 5 – Function Update – Operational Support
18. DCA Operational Support and DCE presented paper EB18/19(87).
19. In relation to the Operational Support update, the Board noted the successful implementation of the Domestic Abuse (Scotland) Act 2018, a very significant piece of legislation, as well as Policy’s engagement with the Scottish Government in relation to its Drug Deaths Taskforce. The Board also noted that the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman has recently upheld a complaint about COPFS in a deaths case.
Action: DCA Serious Casework to provide the Board with a copy of her letter to the nearest relative and to provide an update on action taken to ensure there is no repetition, as well as plans for monitoring progress.
20. In relation to the Business Services update, the Board noted the continuing success of the roll-out of Case Management in Court (CMiC). There are good indications of
the adaptability of the system to others areas of business.
Action: DCE to update the Board in June on the benefits secured in the last year.
Agenda Item 6 – Business Process Improvement Committee
21. DCA Local Court introduced paper EB18/19(88).
22. The Board noted the Committee’s discussions on the proposed structure for the
involvement of the business in prioritising ISD projects. The Board also noted that the DCA Local Court and Chief Digital Officer will define the approaches for aligning the BPIC portfolio with corporate priorities and the upcoming Digital Transformation and Case Management Summit outcomes.
Agenda Item 7 – Function Update – Local Court
23. DCA Local Court introduced paper EB18/19(89).
24. The Board noted the recruitment and training position in Local Court.
25. The Board noted the increase in the number of unmarked cases as well as the encouraging performance on interim marking.
26. The Board also noted the Local Court/Police Scotland Quality Group, noting that it provides an opportunity to re-focus on the quality of work being submitted by the police.
27. The increase in violent crime was also noted.
Action: DCA Local Court to consider a governance process for the statutory equality
report and to provide proposals to the Board at the August meeting.
Agenda Item 8 – Operational Performance Committee
28. DCA Serious Casework provided the Board with an update of the meeting held on 01 May 2019.
29. The Board noted that the way the case management system is recording new business may mean that more new cases are being received than the figures show. The Head of the Management Information Unit is considering this issue.
30. The Board also noted the rise in major crime and violence cases, the reduction in High Court precognition work in progress over 7 months old, and that two new High Courts are opening in June, which will assist in progressing business through the courts.
Agenda Item 9 – Function Update – Serious Casework
31. DCA Serious Casework introduced paper EB18/19(90).
32. The Board noted that 27 Serious Crime Prevention Orders have now been granted.
33. The Board noted the excellent result in the recent Operation Engagement trial, that the Clutha FAI is underway, and that a VRR in Sumburgh is currently under consideration.
Agenda Item 10 – Pathology Update
34. DCA Serious Casework or Senior Consultant introduced paper EB18/19(91).
35. The Board noted the current position with the contractual negotiations in relation to both pathology and toxicology provision and agreed with the recommendation to maintain the current offer in relation to contract providers. Board members agreed that work should commence to source toxicology support from outwith Scotland, if required.
Crown Agent’s Office
May 2019
Thank you for your feedback.