Minutes of the Business Improvement Committee – May 2024

First published

25 Sep 2024

Last updated

25 Sep 2024

Business Process Improvement Committee, 29 May 2024


Jennifer Harrower, DCA, Local Court – JH


Keith Dargie, Head of Business Services - KD

Laura Buchan, PF, Policy & Engagement - LB

Thomas Lindie, Head of Business Management, Serious Casework - TL

Gillian McNamara, ISD Head of Delivery - Digital Portfolio – GM

Lisa Gibson, Executive Business Manager (Secretariat) – LG


Gavin Anderson, Head of Business Management, Local Court - GA


  1. 1. Welcome, Apologies and Agreement of AOB
  2. Minutes of Last Meeting and Actions Log
  3. BPIC Portfolio and Improvements 2023-24: Delivery Overview Statement
  4. BPIC Digital Transformation Dashboard
  5. BPIC Portfolio and Improvements and Digital Transformation Programme for 2024-25
  6. ISD Resources
  7. Any other business (AOB)

Welcome, apologies and agreement of AOB

The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and noted apologies for Gavin Anderson.

Minutes of last meeting and action log

The minutes of the meeting held on 28 February 2024 were approved, noting that the next meeting had yet to be scheduled.

BPIC outstanding action table

  • Digital Strategy Delivery Plan Update Communication: In progress.
  • Benefits Realisation: To close this action as Next Generation digital casework programme will provide BPIC focus on this action. Update on ERTCC is to be added to the agenda for the next meeting.

BPIC portfolio and improvements 2023-24: delivery overview statement

GM presented paper BPIC(24)08 and noted the following key updates:

  • Digital Evidence Sharing Capability (DESC): Perth and Forfar were rolled out on 30 April and next offices are Kirkcaldy and Dunfermline in July. This will result in the DESC digital service being deployed to eight courts in Scotland. Further rollout schedules to be confirmed.
  • Witness Gateway: Pilot phase continues in Glasgow and on track for phase 3 of the pilot from late June. The project is considering extending the pilot to further PF offices and options will be discussed at the next Delivery Governance Board meeting in line with pilot feedback and assurance steps..
  • Electronic Reporting to Crown Counsel (ERTCC): Rollout is complete and in closure phase of the project, including documentation of benefits realisation and lessons learned.
  • Aggravation Codes: This is now complete for legislation changes from 1 April and in closure phase.
  • VIA Modernisation: This is being prioritised and will be progressed over the coming weeks.
  • Defence Agent Service (DAS): Governance and delivery board established to support and oversee the pilot and go-live phases.
  • Vulnerable Witness – Awaiting updates from the Criminal Rules Council as potential to change legislation and further updates to be shared with committee once confirmed.

BPIC Digital Transformation – dashboard

GM presented paper BPIC(24)09 and noted the following key updates:

  • No further comments as updates are set out above.

BPIC Portfolio and Improvements and Digital Transformation Programme for 2024-25

KD presented paper BPIC(24)10 and noted the following key updates:

  • The digital business and transformation improvements set out for 2024-25 are strategically aligned to focus on digital casework, next generation casework, business information and delivery of key corporate and business improvements.
  • KD provided an overview of the digital improvements and transformation diagram provided at Annex A.
  • KD will schedule a BPIC workshop to support the development of the new Digital Strategy for 2024-27.
  • BPIC discussed digital casework and business process improvements to support productivity requirements ahead of next generation casework solutions being delivered. A specific workshop will be scheduled to discuss and prioritise options for development.

ISD resources

LG presented paper BPIC(24)11 providing a high-level overview of the ISD recruitment positions, and recruitment plans for specific vacancies and the progress made since the last meeting.

Any other business

No AOB noted.

Date of next meeting

The date of the next meeting is 11 September 2024.

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