Minutes of the Business Improvement Committee – February 2024

First published

17 Jun 2024

Last updated

17 Jun 2024

Business Process Improvement Committee, 28 February 2024


Keith Dargie, Head of Business Services - KD


Graham Kerr, Head of Business Management, Local Court - GK

Laura Buchan, PF, Policy & Engagement - LB

Thomas Lindie, Head of Business Management, Serious Casework - TL

Gillian McNamara, ISD Head of Delivery - Digital Portfolio – GM

Lisa Gibson, Executive Business Manager (Secretariat) – LG


Jennifer Harrower, DCA, Local Court – JH


  1. Welcome, Apologies and Agreement of AOB
  2. Minutes of Last Meeting and Actions Log
  1. BPIC Portfolio and Improvements and Digital Transformation Programme for 2023-24 (including delivery priorities for Q4 2023-24)
  2. BPIC Digital Transformation Dashboard
  3. COPFS Strategic Digital Enables Transformation: Delivery Overview
  4. ISD Resources
  5. Any other business (AOB)

Welcome, apologies and agreement of AOB

The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and noted apologies for Jennifer Harrower.

Minutes of last meeting and action log

The minutes of the meeting held on 5 December 2023 were approved and noted that the next meeting is scheduled for 18 April 2024.

BPIC outstanding action table

  • Delivery Strategy – strategic vision, framework and development over the coming months for COPFS’ new digital strategy for 2024-2027;
  • Benefits Realisation – BPIC corporate benefits (including FTE benefits) to be considered and will be reflected in the Next Generation Case Management programme approach;
  • Electronic Reporting To Crown Counsel (ERTCC) action to be closed.

BPIC portfolio and improvements 2022-23: Delivery overview

GM presented paper BPIC(24)03 and noted the following key updates:

  • ERTCC rolled out to Serious Casework Group and post implementation phase being applied;
  • Hate Crime Bill Aggravators: new legislation from 1 April with significant systems development completed and ready to go-live in line with justice partner plans; communications and guidance issued over coming weeks;
  • Witness Gateway: project progresses, with phased user acceptance testing and pilot evaluations planned; assurance and operational readiness steps being applied, including transformation sessions and guidance and communications; work ongoing to define new business processes and delivery benefits;
  • DESC phased roll plans and timescales being finalised with partners ;
  • Vulnerable Witness work is ongoing and awaiting updates from the Rules Council.

BPIC Digital Transformation – Dashboard

  • No comments on paper BPIC(24)04 and covered in above agenda item.

COPFS Strategic Digital Enables Transformation: Delivery Overview

KD presented an overview of the key corporate and casework digital enabled transformation programmes and business initiatives being delivered or initiated from Q4 2023-24 and implemented over 2024-25 (some programmes multi-year).

ISD resources

LG presented paper BPIC(24)05 providing a high-level overview of the ISD recruitment positions, and recruitment plans for specific vacancies.

Any other business

Noted that this was Graham Kerr’s last BPIC meeting ahead of his retirement. KD on behalf of the organisation and BPIC expressed thanks to Graham for his significant contributions to business improvement and for his valuable contributions to the work of BPIC and wished him the very best for the future.

Date of next meeting

The date of the next meeting is 18 April 2024 (rescheduled to 30 May 2024).

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