Minutes of the Business Improvement Committee – February 2023

First published

15 Jun 2023

Last updated

15 Jun 2023

Business Process Improvement Committee, 9 February 2023


Jennifer Harrower, Deputy Crown Agent, Local Court – JH


Keith Dargie, Head of Business Services (and Chief Digital Officer) - KD

Annie Gunner Logan, Non-Executive Director - AGL

Graham Kerr, Head of Business Management, Local Court - GK

Lesley Wilkinson, Deputy Head of Business Management, Serious Casework Group - LW

Kenny Donnelly, PF Policy and Engagement – KDO

Deborah Wilson-McKay, ISD – Group Head of Digital Portfolio – DWM

Lisa Gibson, ISD – Executive Business Manager (Secretariat) – LG


  1. Welcome, Apologies and Agreement of AOB
  2. Minutes of Last Meeting and Actions Log
  3. BPIC Portfolio and Improvements 2022/23
  4. BPIC Digital Transformation Dashboard
  5. Any other business (AOB)

Welcome, apologies and agreement of AOB

The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. Lesley Wilkinson attended on behalf of Thomas Lindie. No AOB highlighted.

Minutes of last meeting and action log

The minutes of the meeting held on 1 November 2022 were approved.

BPIC portfolio and improvements 2022/23

KD presented paper BPIC(23)03 which provides an update on the delivery programme
to date and key work activities for the Q4 period. Specific highlights include the successful launch of the Digital Evidence Sharing Capability (DESC) Pilot on 24 January in Dundee. Feedback to date is extremely positive from stakeholders and users involved in the pilot. ISD continues providing stakeholder and onsite support. The DESC partners are monitoring progress with regular reports provided. KD thanked all colleagues involved in the work to implement the DESC pilot. KD will provide BPIC with details of the DESC pilot and details of delivery benefits in due course.

The new Electronic Reporting to Crown Counsel (ERTCC) digital casework solution has also been released on a pilot evaluation basis. LW noted that the ERTCC evaluation is going well and the new digital applications and ways of working positively received. The ERTCC solution will be released to all relevant staff on successful completion of the pilot. Other work over Q4 2022/23 includes the development of the Witness Gateway to enable a stakeholder evaluation and a phased national pilot and
implementation over coming months. The Defence Agent Service (DAS) is also being
prepared for pilot release, with this new system requiring alignment with the phased
national release of DESC (plans and timescales being confirmed as part of the DESC pilot).

AGL highlighted benefits reporting and analysis of what did we do well and lessons learned for enhancing delivery and ways of working going forward. Benefits realisation and project closure reports are managed via Project Boards or governance mechanisms. For ERTCC, it was noted that the Serious Casework Business
Improvement Board (SCBIB) is used for governance and delivery oversight approach
board and ISD and Serious Casework Group will produce a pilot and project closure report. Going forward, BPIC agreed to consider benefits realisation tracking and reporting as part of approving the business improvements and digital transformation programme of work for 2023-24, which will include key transformation programmes such as Next Generation Casework that involves corporate, casework and service delivery transformation aims and benefits. The ISD Digital Portfolio and Project Management Support functions will also provide BPIC with delivery progress and overview of benefits as part of routine reporting for 2023-24. Information from
Programme or Project Boards, for example, DESC and Next Generation Casework, will also be provided to BPIC for awareness.

BPIC Digital Transformation – dashboard

DWM presented paper BPIC(23)04 and is a re-iteration of the previous dashboard and provides updates on delivery of the BPIC projects. BPIC feedback is reflected in the latest dashboard, including the information overview details provided and highlighting of any changes in delivery status. Witness Gateway moving at pace to prepare the new solution for evaluation phase, which involves working with the VIA Modernisation Programme and Victims Support Scotland stakeholders. The Witness Gateway will incorporate all agreed digital services and functionality for the initial evaluation. JH noted the significance for witnesses being able to see their statements in advance of going to court. Defence Agent Service work and next steps were noted. Pay Claims Corporate App is currently in pilot and GK would like the application available in Local Court asap. ISD will be in touch to agree a release date. Desk Booking Corporate App is complete and pilot launch date to be communicated shortly.

Date of next meeting

The date of the next meeting is 27 April 2023.

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