Hate Crime in Scotland, 2023-24, data tables

Excel spreadsheet containing tables on hate crimes reported to COPFS in the year April 2023 to March 2024 and earlier years.


Hate Crime in Scotland 2023-24 data tables

17 pages XLSX | 85.8 KB

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This Excel spreadsheet provides details of hate crimes reported to COPFS in Scotland in 2023-24 and earlier years. The tables include details of crimes aggravated by race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, and transgender identity. There are tables providing a breakdown of age and sex of accused persons, and providing a geographical breakdown by Procurator Fiscal Office. There are tables providing a breakdown by month, and providing details of the substantive charges to which hate crime aggravations were attached.

Updated tables, including figures for 2024-25, are due to be published in June 2025. The exact date of publication will be announced nearer the time.