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Example 21/01/2022

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Example 21/01/2022

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Showing 491-500 of 552 results

  1. Lord Advocate’s guidelines: Soliciting and loitering offences

    Lord Advocate’s guidelines to chief constables on the enforcement of soliciting and loitering offences by purchasers.

    Prosecution policy Last updated 14 Oct 2015
  2. Lord Advocate's guidelines: Breath test devices

    Lord Advocate's guidelines for police on the operation of breath test devices and machines, and the procedure to be followed when obtaining readings.

    Prosecution policy Last updated 14 Oct 2015
  3. Lord Advocate's guidelines: Offences aggravated by prejudice

    Lord Advocate's guidelines on offences aggravated by prejudice including guidance on investigation and reporting of crime, custody and undertakings.

    Prosecution policy Last updated 14 Oct 2015
  4. Lord Advocate’s guidelines: Driver improvement scheme

    Lord Advocate’s instructions to chief constables on policing the driver improvement scheme.

    Prosecution policy Last updated 13 Oct 2015
  5. Lord Advocate's guidelines: Incidents at sporting events

    Lord Advocate guidelines to chief constables regarding incidents between sports people during sporting events, especially those in front of crowds or televised.

    Prosecution policy Last updated 13 Oct 2015
  6. Lord Advocate's guidelines: Citation of witnesses

    Lord Advocate's guidelines to police on procedures to be followed in the citation of witnesses for attendance at court.

    Prosecution policy Last updated 12 Oct 2015
  7. Victims' Right to Review Policy equality impact assessment

    An assessment of the impact of Victims' Right to Review Policy based on the general equality duty of the Equality Act (2010).

    Impact assessment Last updated 22 Jul 2015
  8. Lord Advocate’s rules: Review of a decision not to prosecute

    Read the Lord Advocate's rule regarding a victims' right to review following a decision not to prosecute.

    Prosecution policy Last updated 01 Jun 2015
  9. Shaping the Future Programme equality impact assessment

    An assessment of the impact of Shaping the Future Programme based on the general equality duty of the Equality Act (2010).

    Impact assessment Last updated 25 May 2015
  10. Security Breach Management Policy equality impact assessment

    An assessment of the impact of Security Breach Management Policy based on the general equality duty of the Equality Act (2010).

    Impact assessment Last updated 21 May 2015