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Showing 1-10 of 16 results filtered by Agreement

  1. Joint domestic abuse protocol

    Read the agreed joint protocol between Police Scotland and the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service in cases involving domestic abuse.

    Agreement Last updated 12 Jun 2023
  2. Working together for victims and witnesses

    A protocol between COPFS, Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service (SCTS), Police Scotland, and Victim Support Scotland (VSS) to support victims and witnesses.

    Agreement Last updated 01 Jun 2021
  3. Sharing of evidence in cases involving children

    Agreement on the sharing of evidence and information between the Scottish Children’s Reporter Administration, COPFS and the Police Service of Scotland.

    Agreement Last updated 01 May 2019
  4. Memorandum of understanding between COPFS and the Serious Fraud Office

    This memorandum sets out how COPFS and the Serious Fraud Office will cooperate and share information in cases of bribery and corruption.

    Agreement Last updated 05 Dec 2018
  5. Memorandum of understanding on tackling foreign bribery

    An agreement between COPFS the CPS, Financial Conduct Authority, HMRC, MoD, Police, NCA and Serious Fraud Office on tackling foreign bribery.

    Agreement Last updated 08 May 2017
  6. Investigation of crime MOU

    A memorandum of understanding between the Scottish Information Commissioner, COPFS and Police Scotland in relation to the investigation of crime.

    Agreement Last updated 01 Apr 2015
  7. Competition and Markets Authority MOU

    MOU between Competition & Markets Authority and COPFS in relation to the investigation/prosecution of the cartel offence established by the Enterprise Act 2002.

    Agreement Last updated 01 Jul 2014
  8. Sheriff court business: joint working

    Protocol for court management and preparation of cases for sheriff court business between the Scottish Courts Service and COPFS

    Agreement Last updated 09 May 2013
  9. Solemn and Summary criminal cases: joint working

    An agreement between COPFS and the Scottish Court Service (SCS) regarding the programming and management of solemn and summary criminal cases.

    Agreement Last updated 09 May 2013
  10. Protocol for witness citation targets

    This COPFS document describes the protocol for witness citation targets

    Agreement Last updated 09 May 2013