Death investigations

Park Inn Hotel Fatal Accident Inquiry decision

A decision has been made to hold a Fatal Accident Inquiry following the death of Badreddin Abdalla Adam Bosh in the Park Inn Hotel, West George Street, Glasgow on 26 June 2020.

The Lord Advocate has decided that it is in the public interest to hold a Fatal Accident Inquiry to examine the full circumstances surrounding this tragic incident. 

The decision follows a thorough and independent investigation by the Procurator Fiscal into the wider circumstances leading to the death of Badreddin Abdalla Adam Bosh. 

Badreddin Abdalla Adam Bosh’s family have been informed of this decision. 

Kenny Donnelly, Deputy Crown Agent for COPFS (Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service), said:  

“The Lord Advocate has decided that a discretionary Fatal Accident Inquiry should be held into the circumstances of the death of Badreddin Adam to ensure that there can be a full public hearing of the facts of the case. 

“The Procurator Fiscal will continue with work in preparation for the inquiry and there are steps which must be taken before the Inquiry can commence in court. 

Mr. Bosh’s family will continue to be kept informed of progress.”  

Badreddin Abdalla Adam Bosh was shot and killed by officers of the Police Service of Scotland after he stabbed and seriously injured six people and attempts to use non-lethal weapons were unsuccessful.  

Those injured by the 28-year-old Sudanese man included three asylum seekers, two hotel workers and a police officer who had responded to the initial emergency call.  

Further information

The Lord Advocate is responsible for the investigation of all sudden, unexpected, and unexplained deaths in Scotland. It is a function which she exercises independently from any other person.   

Death investigations are undertaken on the Lord Advocate's behalf by Procurators Fiscal, who act under the direction, as required, of independent senior lawyers who are known as Crown Counsel.  

It is a fundamental aim of the system for the investigation of deaths in Scotland that the Crown should conduct investigations where appropriate, with a view to understanding the circumstances of deaths and helping to prevent future deaths in similar circumstances and the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service is committed to ensuring that this principle is upheld.  

For more information on Fatal Accident Inquiries, see the Crown’s guide