
Man who drove car into former partner’s office jailed for attempted murder

A man who tried to kill his former partner and her mother by driving his vehicle through the window of a funeral directors has been jailed.

William McBurnie caused his victims to jump to avoid being hit by the car, which was driven at speed towards the business in Jedburgh on December 7, 2022. 

The 57-year-old pleaded guilty to a charge of attempted murder on the first day of trial at the High Court in Livingston on September 9, 2024. 

Former police officer McBurnie had woken up at 6am on the day of the collision and drank a third of a litre bottle of whisky before driving into town to complete an errand. 

His former partner later saw him sitting at the junction opposite her funeral director business and expressed concern to her mother, who suggested she lock the door.  

McBurnie drove away but turned around using the one-way system.  

He then accelerated at speed over a give way junction before mounting the pavement, crashing through two large flower planters and into the glass fronted office.  

As his vehicle approached, his former partner was standing beside her desk while her mother had gone towards the office door, which had frosted glass. 

The complainer noticed the car approaching and yelled at her mother: “He’s coming, he’s coming, he’s coming through the window.” 

She turned away from the oncoming vehicle and pinned herself against the wall of the office.  

The car narrowly missed the women, who were both injured as a result, with one being hit by debris. 

The office desk was hit with such force that it was embedded in the back wall.  

McBurnie, who sustained a minor friction burn on his wrist, was heard to then say: “Sorry, I don’t know what I was thinking.” 

Whilst waiting for officers to attend, he stated that he had been struggling to come to terms with the end of the relationship and had been drinking heavily.  

The court heard how he had sent regular, unwanted messages to his former partner using a variety of platforms in the months leading up to the attempted murder.  

He would tell her how much he missed her and that he wanted to reconcile the relationship.  

When intoxicated, the messages would become unpleasant, angry, abusive and were, on occasions, threatening. 

Sometimes, these were deleted with an apology sent, only for them to begin again.  

Between June and December 2022, McBurnie sent his former partner hundreds of communications. 

On October 10, 2024, at the High Court in Livingston, McBurnie was given a 13-year extended sentence with 11 years in custody.  

Non-harassment orders, preventing McBurnie from contacting or attempting to contact the two women, were granted for an indefinite period.  

He was disqualified from holding or obtaining a driving licence for a period of 16-and-a-half years.  

Moira Orr, who leads on homicide and major crime for the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service, said: 

“This was an extremely reckless act which could have had devastating consequences had it not been for the swift actions of William McBurnie’s former partner. 

“Our thoughts and best wishes remain with both women as they continue to deal with the lasting trauma caused by this individual. 

“McBurnie is a domestic abuser who will now face the consequences of his actions. I hope this conviction reaffirms our commitment to prosecuting crimes of this nature. 

“I would encourage all victims or witnesses of similar offending to come forward, report their experiences and seek support.”