
Man jailed for rape and sexual abuse of young girls

A paedophile who raped a young girl and sexually assaulted another during a deplorable seven-year campaign of abuse has been jailed.

Malcolm Lamont was found guilty of six charges following a trial at the High Court in Livingston on March 25. 

The 34-year-old targeted the children between March 2008 and March 2015 at addresses in North and South Lanarkshire.  

His victims, who were aged between two and 12 during the abuse, were also forced to look at pornographic images while in his care.  

Lamont, from Falkirk, appeared at the High Court in Edinburgh on Tuesday, May 21. 

He was jailed for seven years and placed on the sex offenders register indefinitely.  

Scotland’s Procurator Fiscal for High Court Sexual Offences, Katrina Parkes, said: 

“I would like to commend the bravery of these young victims for coming forward. Their courage and strength have resulted in this conviction and sentence. 

“Malcolm Lamont is a dangerous predator who exploited his position of trust in the worst possible way.  

“He will now rightfully have to face the consequences of his horrific crimes towards these vulnerable children.  

“This type of offending has no place in Scottish society. I urge any victims of similar offending to come forward, report it and seek support.  

“The Crown is committed to effectively prosecuting all sexual offenders and seeking justice for victims of child sexual abuse.”