
Man jailed for indecent assault of young boy

A man who indecently assaulted a teenage boy after exploiting his relationship with the victim’s family has been jailed.

Retired teacher Peter McGuiness, also known as Peter McGinniss, repeatedly gave the boy alcohol before touching him inappropriately between 1992 and 1995. 

The 59-year-old first struck up a friendship with the teenager’s relatives before taking him swimming and bowling in a bid to gain their trust.  

But the abuse became sexual following the death of the boy’s father.  

The young victim would then be molested during sleepovers at McGuiness’s home in South Lanarkshire.  

The abuser denied the offences against him but was convicted of two charges following a trial at Glasgow Sheriff Court on May 1, 2024. 

At a sentencing hearing on Friday, May 24, McGuiness was jailed for three years and placed on the sex offenders register indefinitely.  

Fraser Gibson, Procurator Fiscal for Glasgow and Strathkelvin, said: 

“Peter McGuiness carefully controlled and manipulated a young boy. He exploited a position of trust when the child was in a truly vulnerable state.  

“His victim has shown great courage and strength by coming forward and reporting McGuiness to the authorities.  

“We hope this conviction brings some small comfort that McGuiness will now have to face the consequences of his actions.  

“We recognise the significant trauma caused by offending of this nature as well as the lifelong effects it can have.  

“I would encourage all victims of similar offending – no matter how long ago it may have occurred – to come forward, report it and seek help.    

“Scotland’s prosecution service is committed to securing justice for victims of child sexual abuse.”