Death investigations

Fatal Accident Inquiry Determination published following death of a soldier

The Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS) notes the conclusion of the Fatal Accident Inquiry into the death of 24-year-old Lance Corporal Joe Spencer.

Lance Corporal Joe Spencer of the 3rd Battalion The Rifles died on the evening of 1 November 2016 at the Air Weapons Range, Tain, after the unintended discharge of a single round from a sniper rifle then in his possession. 

This was a discretionary Fatal Accident Inquiry instructed by the Lord Advocate as she considered that the death of Lance Corporal Spencer occurred in circumstances giving rise to serious public concern.    


The purpose of a Fatal Accident Inquiry is to establish the circumstances of the death and to consider what steps, if any, may be taken to prevent other deaths in similar circumstances.     

Unlike a criminal trial, a Fatal Accident Inquiry (FAI) seeks to establish the facts surrounding the death and is not a hearing which apportions blame.      

The Procurator Fiscal, who acts in the public interest in such Inquiry, led evidence on the facts and circumstances of Lance Corporal Spencer 's death.    

Following the publication of the determination, Procurator Fiscal Andy Shanks, who leads on fatalities investigations for COPFS said:

We note the Sheriff’s determination. 

“The Procurator Fiscal ensured that the full facts and circumstances of Lance Corporal Joe Spencer’s death were led in evidence.   

“My thoughts are with the family, friends and fellow soldiers of Lance Corporal Spencer at this time.”

Further information

For more information on Fatal Accident Inquiries see the Crown’s guide.