Death investigations

Determination published following death of lorry driver

The Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS) notes the conclusion of the Fatal Accident Inquiry into the death of Bogdan-George Popa.  

Mr Popa, 32-year-old, died in the morning of Saturday 29 January 2022 on the M74 Motorway, just north of Junction 11.  

The accident happened when Mr Popa’s lorry was struck by a strong gust of wind and tipped over fully onto its offside before crossing the metal barrier into the southbound carriageway and hit an oncoming vehicle. 

The accident took place during a period of time covered by a yellow weather warning. 

The inquiry was a mandatory inquiry since the death of Mr Popa occurred while in the course of his employment.     


The purpose of an inquiry is to establish the circumstances of the death and to consider what steps, if any, may be taken to prevent other deaths in similar circumstances.    

Unlike a criminal trial, a Fatal Accident Inquiries (FAI) seeks to establish the facts surrounding the death and is not a hearing which apportions blame.     

The Procurator Fiscal led comprehensive evidence from witnesses and a range of sources on the facts and circumstances of Mr Popa's death.   

Following the publication of the determination, Procurator Fiscal Andy Shanks, who leads on fatalities investigations for COPFS said:   

We note and welcome the Sheriff’s determination.       

“The Procurator Fiscal ensured that the full facts and circumstances of Mr Popa’s death were led in evidence at the mandatory Fatal Accident Inquiry.   

“The Determination has been provided to the Popa family and our thoughts are with them at this time.”  

For more information on Fatal Accident Inquiries, see the Crown’s guide