Death investigations

Court process begins for the FAI into the death of a Moodiesburn man

The Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS) has lodged a First Notice to begin the court process for a Fatal Accident Inquiry into the death of Thomas Cochrane.  

The 52-year-old died on the evening of Monday 21 January 2019 at Glasgow Royal Infirmary after being found unconscious in the rear of his works van at his home address. 

A preliminary hearing is set for 25 June 2024 at Glasgow Sheriff Court.         

The purpose of a Fatal Accident Inquiry (FAI) includes determining the cause of death; the circumstances in which the deaths occurred, and to establish what, if any, reasonable precautions could have been taken, and could be implemented in the future, to minimise the risk of future deaths in similar circumstances.   

Unlike criminal proceedings, FAIs are inquisitorial in nature, and are used to establish facts rather than to apportion blame.         

This Inquiry will explore the circumstances of Mr Cochrane’s death, with an anticipated focus on the follow up care and contact he had with University Hospital Monklands and Stobhill Hospital 

The inquiry is also expected to consider the sharing and/or recording of information between and within University Hospital Monklands, Stobhill Hospital, and other specialist mental health units. 

Procurator Fiscal Andy Shanks, who leads on death investigations for COPFS, said:         

“The tragic death of Thomas Cochrane occurred in circumstances giving rise to significant public concern and as such a discretionary Fatal Accident Inquiry will be held.       

“The lodging of the First Notice enables FAI proceedings to commence under the direction of the Sheriff.      

“Mr Cochrane’s family will continue to be kept informed of significant developments as court proceedings progress.”